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Obama makes Nixon look like a boy scout

May 6th, 2009

If half of what this article says is true the next couple of years are going to be interesting.

Obama and the Cloward-Piven Strategy


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Food Network

February 11th, 2009

Well, I’m swearing off the news for a while – I’m going to have the food network going when the TV is on.

Today’s highlights were Senator Schumer of NY saying American’s don’t care about our government wasting money on pork and/or earmarks, the Banks charging us millions in fees to accept the billions in bailouts, and a few sellout senators enabling the spendulus bill, which has no earmarks according to Obama.

I think I need about 4 years without news at this rate.

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Media and the Election

October 21st, 2008

I’m afraid I’m convinced that the media is playing a large role in the election and generally in perceptions regarding the administration and congress. How Obama channeled the economic crisis into a positive push for his campaign absolutely amazes me. I didn’t see him do anything but duck for cover until a solution was on the table. No leadership from Obama in an issue that he looks guilty to me, referring to his Fannie/Freddie receipts.

How will a Democratic House, Senate, and Presidency be held accountable with a left leaning Main Stream Media?

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The world wants Obama

October 21st, 2008

So I guess I’m wondering does the world want Obama as the U.S. President so he can lead or be bullied?

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